3GVenice activates the option to make 3G calls via FaceTime for iPhone and iPad for free

  3GVenice is a tweak published a few days ago in Cydia that allows owners of iPhone terminals and iPad 2 tablets to activate the option of making 3G calls through FaceTime. Normally, this would not be possible on the terminals produced by the Apple company, but with the help of this free tweak we can overcome the limitations imposed in iOS 5. Until last night, the tweak was only compatible with the free terminal, but in the meantime the developer made it compatible with iPhone 3GS, iPhone 4S and the iPad 2 tablet. 3GVenice no longer depends on Winterboard to function, so you can install it without worrying that along with it a series of dependencies are installed that will unnecessarily load the RAM memory of the iDevice.

This is a console package, there are no new icons added to the home screen. Enables FaceTime over 3G using native iOS 5 support on iPhone 4. And adds a command-line utility "3gvenice" to toggle the feature. You may need to reboot your device after installation for the change to take effect. If you remove this package, FaceTime over 3G capability through this package will be disabled.

  3GVenice is available for free in Cydia's ModMyi repo.