Lend the certificate of an iPhone 4S to a Siri server and you can be left without the possibility of using the assistant

  Yesterday someone asked me what are the risks of offering certificates from the iPhone 4S to make a server for Siri. In response, I said that Apple can block the UDID of that iPhone 4S in its servers and Siri will never be able to be used from that device. My statement is supported by an answer given by iH8sn0w last night to a person who asked him to provide the keys for Siri on his iPhone 4S. Those certificates for Siri contain the UDID of the 4S to register with the server and if Apple notices unauthorized traffic from it, it can block the UDID permanently and you have no chance to ever unblock it.

 If you are asked to provide Siri keys for a server, think about whether you want to use the assistant in the future and only then make a decision about providing them.