Celeste, YourTube, MarkRead, BTStack and Gremlin beta updates available

  For more than a week, the people from Cocoanut Apps have been working on the development of an iOS 5 compatible version of the Celeste tweak with the help of which we can transfer files via Bluetooth to any mobile terminal. Considering that the Celeste tweak works on the basis of other tweaks in Cydia, a lot of work is needed to make them all compatible with iOS 5 and last evening the Celeste developers released updates for another 5, 3 of them having a direct connection with Celeste.

  iOS 5 beta versions of Celeste, YourTube, MarkRead, BTStack and Gremlin can be tested by those who bought them and the repo from which you can install them is this: http://apt.cocoanuts.co. If you haven't bought the tweaks, you can't test their beta versions, but you can buy them now and use them in iOS 5.