Coordinates for Maps displays the coordinates of your locations

  During this evening, an interesting tweak called Coordinates for Maps was published in Cydia, and with its help you can find the coordinates of your locations. The tweak only displays coordinates when you set a PIN on your map, so if you don't activate one you won't see anything at all. After you set the PIN, you will see in the lower left a border in which the geographic coordinates of your location (latitude/longitude) were recorded, and from the tweak's settings menu you can choose how visible that border is.

iPhone tweak that adds the ability to show GPS coordinates for any PIN in Maps app, including current location. Enable/basic configuration thru settings. Elegant and clean implementation. Instant redraw and Lat/Long-immediate on-map display. No icon is added, the coordinates are shown within the Maps app. iPhone 4, 4s tested, iOS 5.0.1 and 5.1.1 w/tethered jailbreak.

  Coordinates for Maps is available for free in Cydia and with iOS 5 – 5.1.1.