AlwaysJitter brings a unique animation to the icons in Springboard

  AlwaysJitter is a tweak launched this morning in Cydia, and with its help you can activate a new animation for the applications in your iDevices. The animation I'm talking about is the one that appears when you prepare to delete/move an application's icon. More precisely, after you install this tweak, the icons in your Springboard will start shaking and they won't stop until you uninstall the tweak from Cydia.

  AlwaysJitter is available for free in Cydia.


  1. Zaone așa ca offtopic as avea o idee un tweak dacă ai vreun email de la vreun developer ar fi foarte cool si cred ca toți am avea nevoie de acest tweak in iphonurile noastre ideea e cam așa : când avem o notificare la interval de 5 sau 10 min ecranul telefonului sa ploaie de 2 ori astfel încât sa ne dam seama ca avem un SMS sau apel pierdut sau orice notificare , la htc am un Led care face chestia asta si e foarte util