Samsung Galaxy S III "explodes" as easily as iPhone 3GS or iPhone 4

  I have told you so many times that iPhone 3GS and iPhone 4 terminals either caught fire while they were charging, or "exploded" when they were simply sitting on the table, but they are not the only ones that suffer from such problems because Samsung Galaxy S III seems to take it on the same road. The device in the picture started to emit sparks out of nowhere, and after a crack the case cracked and the device remained exactly as you see it. The screen is still working, but the signal would have disappeared, so part of the internal structure was seriously affected following the event.

  Considering that the "explosion" took place in the area of ​​the connector port, there is a chance that the battery is to blame, and I say this because in the case of iPhones, the battery was also the main cause of the "explosions". In conclusion, the myth of iPhones that catch fire by themselves has been dispelled by Samsung Galaxy S III.