In the future, iDevices will adjust certain elements of the interface depending on your position in front of the device


  In the Music application of the new iOS 6 Apple has implemented an animation very interesting that appears when the user changes his position in relation to the volume button of the music player. What we see now is just a small test made by the engineers of the Apple company, because in the future it seems that the entire user interface of iOS will contain such elements. An Apple employee was quoted here yesterday and it seems that Apple is already working on a system that will display menu shadows depending on the user's position in relation to the iDevice. Everything is done using the ambient light sensor that all iPhones have, but of course the camera can be used at any time.

One Apple employee (who I can't name as the company does not allow employees to speak on the record without approval from media relations) said that in the future, your phone will show drop shadows based on the actual position of the light in the room, as detected by the phone's ambient sensor — and everything in the UI will be rendered in 3D on the fly.

  For now, that button in the Music application is the only concrete proof of the fact that Apple really intends to include such animations in iOS, and of course it is not known when or if those animations will be implemented. I believe that such an important change to the iOS UI could convince many iDevice owners that the operating system does not need substantial changes in terms of the design of the HomeScreen or the Settings app, for example , so I hope that Apple will implement everything as soon as possible in iOS.