iOS 6 beta 3 – Apple improves the maps of the Maps application, but a big problem remains

  In every beta version of the iOS 6 Apple has slightly improved the maps included in the new application Mapsand the new iOS 6 beta 3 nothing inferior was left. The build released last night by Apple brings updated maps for the Maps application, but don't think that you will suddenly have everything it offers Google Maps. Although Apple has updated the maps of the big cities, the changes are limited to the names of the streets, the presentation of the direction of travel on the roads, the more careful definition of bridges, parks and subway stations, but that's about it for now.

  Although the maps are updated slowly but surely, the big problem lies in the fact that for now Apple has included very few points of interest in them. Google Maps contains extremely many points of interest and in Romanian cities you can find almost everything you are interested in, but unfortunately the map system from Apple does not contain many POIs. For us, the problem is quite big because you will hardly find various interesting locations, but 1 or 2 months separate us from the release of iOS 6 and we could experience many changes.