Tutorial: Jailbreak iOS 6 beta 3 + Cydia installation on iPhone and iPod Touch using redsn0w 0.9.13 dev 3 (Windows, Mac)

  During the last night Apple has released iOS 6 beta 3 for iDevice owners, and this morning Dev Team released redsn0w 0.9.13 dev 3 which jailbreaks of this new version a iOS. The new version of redsn0w does not bring compatibility with new iDevices and does not bring any other news apart from compatibility with iOS beta 6 3, so don't get high hopes from him. redsn0w does not install either Cydia on your iDevice, but in this article I will teach you how to install this application, but I warn you that many tweaks and applications are not compatible with this version of iOS.

  If you need unlock, I warn you that ultrasn0w it does not work on iOS 6 beta 3 and although for some the cards Geveya decodes the old basebands, it is recommended to stay with the iOS version you have. If you update to iOS 6 beta 3 without a custom ipsw and update the baseband, then a restore to iOS 5.1.1 will return the baseband to the value of that version of iOS, but will not change it to a lower value.

  redsn0w 0.9.13 dev 3 does tethered jailbreak only on :

  • iPhone 3GS;
  • iPhone 4;
  • iPod Touch 4G.

Step 1

Download redsn0w 0.9.13 dev 3 available here.

Download iOS 6 beta 3 for your iDevice from the developer portal on the Apple website or ask a developer to provide it to you.

Step 2

Connect the terminal to PC/Mac. In Windows, go to the folder where you downloaded redsn0w, right-click on the executable, select Properties and from the newly opened menu go to Compatibility and tick Run this program in compatibility mode for then select Windows XP, Press Apply and then ok. If you do not follow the correct step, you will not be able to start the tethered terminal. On Mac/Windows redsn0w 0.9.13 dev 3), press the button Extrasthen Select IPSW and select the iOS 6 beta 3 ipsw and press Next. redsn0w will implement the exploit and move on to the next step.

Step 3

After correctly selecting the ipsw, press the Back button to return to the main menu.

Step 4

Now you have to enter the phone in DFU MODE. First close the terminal, then press Jailbreak, install SSH si Next and redsn0w will show you how to enter the phone in DFU Mode.

  • hold down the power button for 3 seconds;
  • without letting go of the power button, press the Home button for 10 seconds;
  • after the 10 seconds pass, release the Power button and the phone should already be in DFU Mode and redsn0w will start implementing the exploit.

If everything worked and the jailbreak was implemented then redsn0w should show you the Finish button.

Step 5

If everything goes well, you should have a jailbroken iPhone, but unfortunately the "fun" doesn't stop there. Your terminal is jailbroken but you have a tethered jailbreak. You must follow the steps below to boot in tethered mode and be able to use iOS.

Step 6

Re-enter the terminal in DFU Mode following the instructions from Step 4.

Step 7

If you have not closed redsn0w, then press the Back button to return to the menu Jailbreak & Extract, i.e. the first. If you closed redsn0w then repeat the second part of step 2 to select the ipsw for iOS 6 beta 3.

Step 8

After selecting the ipsw, press the button Just boot menu Extras and redsn0w will start the tethered terminal and you will be able to use the device without the slightest problem.

After the terminal starts, you should have access to the applications from iOS 6 beta 3 and you need to install Cydia. At the moment there are extremely high chances that Cydia will not work on iOS 6 beta 3 and I recommend you not to follow this part of the tutorial.

1. Connect to a Wi-Fi network (including the iPhone) and using WinSCP, or another similar program, connect to your iDevice.

2. Enter the password Alpine to log into the system. If you have already jailbroken and changed the password, then it would be good to enter the new password.

3. As soon as you are logged in, run the command below.

wget -q -O /tmp/cyinstall.sh http://wyndrepo.googlecode.com/files/cyinstall.sh && chmod 755 /tmp/cyinstall.sh && /tmp/cyinstall.sh

After running the command and executing it, the iDevice should reset and Cydia should be available. You will be able to use the application, but it may not work correctly and many of the packages available in it will certainly not work properly.