Smartphones and tablets equipped with 8 GB of RAM will become a reality thanks to the university in Tel Aviv

  Tel Aviv University researchers are working hard to develop new technologies and their latest achievement is related to mobile terminals and more. They made it develop a new transistor model that can be used for the development of processors, graphic chips, storage media, but will also help to implement larger amounts of RAM in mobile terminals. The technology designed by the Israelis is compatible with the current manufacturing processes of components for mobile terminals and they claim that by using it, manufacturers will be able to increase the amount of RAM that can be included in a mobile terminal.

When this new technology will be integrated into future devices, we will have much more memory on your smartphone and tablet, almost as much as is contained in a notebook. With so much memory we can run multiple applications simultaneously, and due to low power consumption will decrease and increase autonomy.

  We are talking about the implementation of an amount of RAM similar to that available in a notebook and the statement regarding the use of 8 GB of RAM in a notebook is not really that risky. Of course, a few years will pass until this technology will be available in mobile terminals, but it could revolutionize a lot for Samsung, which now uses 2 GB of RAM in smartphones and tablets.


  1. 8GB de RAM este foarte mult, poate chiar prea mult, pentru un smartphone la ora actuala. Daca ar aparea telefoane acum cu 8GB de RAM ar fi chiar o “revolutie”, dar daca va aparea in cativa ani cum zici tu atunci nu o sa mai fie ceva special, avand in vedere evolutia smartphone-urilor.

  2. 8GB e exagerat uneori si pentru calculatoare, cu 3 jocuri deschise abia am reusit sa ajung la 6 gb de ram ocupat. V’ati prins ce rost are sa apara un smartphone cu 8GB ram…

  3. After Effects iti consuma vreo 6-7 GB de ram pe PC (desigur daca vrei sa il folosesti la capacitate maxima 🙂 ). La ce iti folosesc 8 GB pt. un telefon?