iPhone 4S and the problem of static sounds

 Last year si at the beginning of this year I told you that the iPhone 4S has problems with static sounds that are heard during voice calls. The problem was not only related to me, then telling you that other users are complaining on the Apple forums about exactly the same thing. Having recently been asked by a user if I still had the problems then, the answer was NO, and the problem has been solved for some time. Since the date of the last article, January 2012, and until now I have installed iOS 5.1.1, exchanged my iPhone under warranty and installed iOS 6 beta.

  If the problem had persisted even after I changed my iPhone, then I probably would have written about it, but I assume that everything was solved then, even though I had installed iOS 4 on the old iPhone 5.1.1S before I changed it. Unfortunately, some users who have iOS 5.1.1 still have the problem, so if you find yourself in their situation, it would be good to take the terminal to the warranty to be replaced. The good part is that the problem of static sounds can be solved, the bad part is that you have to stay at least a day without the phone.


  1. Eu am impresia ca am probleme cu WiFi-ul, nu mari, dar cu un iphone 4 chiar si cu 3GS detectez mai bine retelele in aceeasi locatie.

  2. @zaone ne poti spune ce problema ai avut tu cu el ? Nu prea sunt fiabile iphonurile astea. Eu am schimbat doua ecrane (pt ca se ingalbenisera) si pana la orma mi-au schimbat telefonul. La asta nou am probleme cu butonul de blocare/stingere.

  3. Am dat link catre articolele in care am explicat initial problema, ai acolo tot. Exista si unitati rele, nimic nu e perfect, dar la Apple de obicei se schimba terminalele fara discutii.

  4. Eu de ex am sunat la NouMax si mi-au spus: ar trebui sa mergeti cu el la magazinul de unde l-ati luat. Din pacate noi nu putem interveni asupra telefoanelor luate din tara sau din afara europei. !

  5. @viorel este imposibil sa nu doreasca sa-ti ofere suport cei de la noumax… singurul lucru e ca trebuie ca telefonul tau sa aiba mai putin de 1 an deoarece ei lucreaza cu garantia internationala, in schimb alte magazine gen emag il duc inatai la service-ul lor/service cu care au contract

  6. 4. Romeo Mihociu
    Aug 31 – 10:32
    Se schimba in garantie . Si eu am avut aceeași problema . Daca ești din București treb. Sa te duci undeva pe prelungirea B-lui Timișoara

  7. Adv la 5.1 am avut si eu probleme cu sunetele acelea ciudate din timpul apelului le auzeam si eu distorsionate ceva de genu dar din 5.1.1 nu am mai avut problema