Top 10: The most important news of the week on - 03.08.2012 - 09.09.2012 week in review

  This week the Apple company finally announced that on September 12 it will present the new iPhone 5 which so many people have been waiting for for more than a year. After the announcement from Apple, the internet was again flooded with rumors and images showing the possible product, but in just 3 days we will find out what Apple has prepared for us and I think we will be impressed by it. Finally, I remind you that next Sunday I will leave for Orange Bloggers Bus Tour, an event that I am looking forward to with great interest because it will take me to Silicon Valley to many companies that develop the technologies that we use in our daily lives! If I'm lucky, I'll see the launch of the iPhone 5 in the US, but that depends on how Apple will think about everything.

  Don't forget that I'm waiting for you on Wednesday to discuss/watch everything that Apple is going to present to us!

  1. The possible charging cable for iPhone 5 is presented in new images
  2. iPhone 5 will be compatible with international 4G LTE networks
  3. The iPhone 5 with the code name N42 will be presented next week, it will be available at the same price as the iPhone 4S
  4. Apple is developing a new audio streaming service similar to Pandora or Spotify
  5. New images show the difference in thickness between iPhone 5 and iPhone 4S
  6. Apple will be the only company that will sell adapters for the new 8/9 pin dock, they will cost $10 each
  7. The iPhone 5 battery is compared to the iPhone 4S battery
  8. OFFICIAL – iPhone 5 and iOS 6 will be presented on September 12 according to Apple!
  9. The first Nano SIMs for iPhone 5 reach mobile operators
  10. Orange Bloggers Bus Tour takes me to Silicon Valley - the land of innovation!