According to an analyst, Tim Cook is boring and should no longer present Apple's keynotes

  Tim Cook has been CEO of Apple for more than a year, he held this position several times during the years 2006 - 2011 and presented the iPhone 3GS to the whole world. Tim Cook is not very charismatic, he does not really like to "put on a show" on the stages of Apple conferences, he is not a Steve Jobs and I don't think we will find another one like him very soon. This laid-back nature of Tim Cook has made the last few Apple conferences a little more boring, less fun, and I think many of you agree with me, including an analyst who says Apple should hire celebrities to represent their products.

I don't think Apple is going to have a flop, but it will have real difficulty creating the kind of magic that Jobs was able to summon up. For instance, we'll likely see a celebrity trotted out at the launch event to help create the kind of on-stage presence that Steve Jobs once had, and Tim Cook lacks.

  Although the analyst believes that Apple will hire stars, who have experience in presenting products, for future conferences, the truth is that we will see those from Apple's management for a long time before today in these events. Yes, Tim Cook is not Steve Jobs, yes Apple's conferences have become a bit more mundane, yes something new is needed, but everything must come from within the company, otherwise Apple would join the ranks of other companies that do not have enough skilled people for to present his goods.