Orange France takes care of rich customers, it delivers them iPhone 5 terminals in a special way

  In France, the Orange mobile phone operator offers 1000 customers a subscription called Parnassus. The monthly price of the subscription is €1000, those who pay it are part of certain fields where the earnings are high, and Orange knows how to take care of these customers. In this idea, the operator sent a terminal to each Parnassus subscriber who wanted it iPhone 5 but the delivery was made in one unusual way. Instead of a delayed courier, the terminals iPhone 5 they were delivered by men dressed in suits and with white gloves, i.e. in the costumes of the famous butlers who take care of the homes of those who can afford to pay them.

  The terminals were of course offered free of charge to subscribers, and Orange probably did not lose much, considering that it takes at least €12.000 annually from each individual. I know that in Romania there are companies that pay at least as much money to local operators every month, but I doubt that they are treated with as much respect.