Apple may acquire TomTom to solve the iOS 6 Maps problem

  TomTom is Apple's main partner in this regard iOS 6 Maps, the company from Cupertino trying to improve its map system using the experts of the famous producer of GPS navigation solutions. The process is complex and long, and an American analyst says that Apple could decide to buy the company TomTom to ship things and put an end to the problem it represents at the moment iOS 6 Maps.

There's a 30 percent chance that Cupertino, California-based Apple will seek a purchase because the Dutch software maker has the capacity to make speedy changes to correct any mapping errors or create new functions, Hans Slob, an Utrecht, Netherlands-based analyst at Rabobank , said today in a research report. "TomTom needs the cash from Apple, and Apple needs the know-how of TomTom," said Slob, who estimated Apple would pay a price of as much as 10 euros per share for the supplier. A takeover is also a "royal way out" for the Dutch company's founders, said Slob, who has a buy recommendation on TomTom and raised his share-price estimate by 38 percent to 5 euros.

  The analyst says that there is a 30% chance that TomTom will be acquired by Apple and if this turns out to be true, then things are not good for us. TomTom maps for iOS have a very bad coverage of Romania, this is visible in iOS 6 Maps and if Apple acquires them, we can expect that the native iOS map system will remain as useless as it is today.


  1. Am folosit tomtom si are harti mai slabe decat igo si navigon dar e ok. Problema nu este a celor de la tomtom ci a lui apple pt ca. U e in stare sa calibreze cum trebuie acele harti. Ca sa va convingeti instalati tomtom si apoi comparati cu maps

  2. Țintit pentru România are 32MB . Garmin pt România are 430MB si are pe fata tot felul de bazaconii , pana si ultima biserica din satele uitate de Dumnezeu din Botoșani…
    Voi ce credeți raportand cifrele ce descriu marimile lor?
    Mai mult , Google maps este cu mult peste Garmin … așa ca nu are rost sa mai spunem nimic .
    Însuși serviciul meu depinde zilnic de Google maps . Sunt unii care îl folosesc zilnic așa cum sunt eu si sunt alții care nu au auzit niciodată de Google maps . Aceștia din urma nu vor fi deranjati niciodată de renuntarea la Google . Deci taberele vor fi mereu impartite .

  3. Dropbox stau bine unde stau. Adică pe picioarele lor. Nu îmi doresc să fie cumpărati de Apple. În plus, nu ar mai exista promotii precum SGS III cu 48 GB în Dropbox sau HOX cu 32 GB în Dropbox..

  4. Cum poți sa spui ca tom tom e pipi???
    Ai luato razna poate nu sunt cum trebe hărtile din România dar in rest
    E “tata lor” in Europa cel puțin in Germania fac economie de carburant
    Despre igo nu pot spune același lucru