Jony Ive, CEO of Yahoo, CEO of Dropbox and 9 other important personalities attended a joint dinner last night

  Jony Ive is, along with Tim Cook si Phil Schiller, one of the most important personalities within the Apple company, and last night he participated at a dinner organized for some of the most important people in Silicon Valley. In the picture we see all those who attended the dinner, it is not known yet what they discussed there, but we are talking about the presidents of extremely important companies, but also about people who contributed to the development of great products.

  Below I have the list of all those who were present, the presentation is made from left to right.

  1. Drew Houston, CEO, Dropbox
  2. Trevor Traina, Traina Interactive
  3. Dave Morin, CEO, Path
  4. Dick Costolo, CEO, Twitter
  5. Dion Lim, education startup CEO
  6. Nirav Tolia, CEO, Nextdoor
  7. Jeremy Stoppelman, CEO, Yelp
  8. Michael Birch, co-founder, Bebo
  9. Mike Cassidy, Director, Google X
  10. Jony Ive, SVP, Apple
  11. Marissa Mayer, CEO, Yahoo
  12. Bret Taylor, CEO, Quip