Steve Ballmer admits that Surface tablets and Windows 8 are not registering good sales

  In a meeting recently held within the company Microsoft, CEO Steve Ballmer would have recognized in front of the company's employees that the tablets in the series Surface they did not register the sales that the management expected. Microsoft produced tablets Microsoft Surface worth 900 million dollars, but it is not selling them as quickly as we expected, stating that too many Windows devices were produced. Of course like Ballmer he asked them employees to ship the sale of current stocks, but it takes time.

We built a few more devices than we could sell. We're not selling as many Windows devices as we want to.

  Despite the not very promising start, those from Microsoft are already testing a second version of the Microsoft Surface tablets, these having processors from the Qualcomm Snapdragon 800 series. It is not known if the new versions will help Microsoft in any way, but it was normal for them to appear , otherwise Microsfot would have made it clear to everyone that the Surface series is a major failure and this would have seriously affected the image of the company. Apart from Surfaces, Windows 8 isn't selling that well either, but Microsoft is pinning its hopes on Windows 8.1