The fingerprint reader in the iPhone 5S Home button has been confirmed by iOS 7 beta 4

  Don't think so iPhone 5S is going to have one implemented fingerprint reader? Well iOS beta 7 4 wine to prove to you exactly the opposite, because inside its system files there is a confirmation of the fact that it is to be implemented directly in the Home button. Inside a folder called UI Kit Biometric, there are files that describe a way for users to tap the Home button to take pictures, to be recognized, to perform the iPhone setup process, with that reader also storing fingerprint images. .

  The interface of the fingerprint reading system would have already been finished by the Apple company, but the whole system was mainly thought for the safe unlocking of iDevices. For now, there is no information to suggest that Apple intends to allow us to make payments through this system, but anything is possible. This is the first direct confirmation of the fact that iPhone 5S it will have a fingerprint reader and it remains to be seen when Apple will launch the terminal.