evasi0n7 automatically disables Push notifications for applications installed in iDevices

  Besides that evasi0n7 it is basically useless because tweak-s available in Cydia are not compatible with it or with iOS 7, it seems that the new solution of untethered jailbreak brings another problem for iDevice owners. After performing a jailbreak using escape7, all Push notifications for applications installed in your iDevices will be disabled. I tested the problem on 3 different terminals and in each case Push notifications were disabled, the applications requiring a reopening and a re-acceptance of the option to receive notifications.

  Suppose that jailbreakexploits the notification system or we are simply talking about a coding problem, but if you want to receive Push notifications from any application, including from the iDevice.ro application, then you must reopen those applications and accept the message in which you are asked if you want to receive Push notifications. There is also the possibility that the problem does not affect all iDevices.


  1. this thing does not affect me either.
    from all the problems that most of them complained about in the last ten minutes, I can consider myself lucky.

    Everything works as it should on my phone.

  2. I restored my iPhone, I configured it as a New iPhone and I did JB, after I installed the applications and the notification problem, my phone doesn't work. I feel the battery is getting low and I'm waiting for Saurik to release the necessary packages

  3. On my 4s ios 7.0.2, nothing has disappeared from the notification center, I have all the applications there. From cydia, the activator doesn't work and of course a lot, but they will come back with updates and it will be ok.. Now it's a good reason to work..

  4. You need to be patient, the update is being worked on.
    The activator still doesn't work, there are several calls that still don't work, now they have an extra reason for the guys to get down to business. Soon they will be updated and applied to be compatible with ios 7... Patience...

  5. I like the title, if I hadn't read the article and that it actually temporarily disables notifications, I think I wouldn't have jailbroken anymore.