Becoming Steve Jobs - the book that will tell the truth about the life of the former CEO of Apple

Becoming Steve Jobs - becoming Steve Jobs

  Becoming Steve Jobs, or becoming Steve Jobs, is a biography of the former CEO Apple Lossless Audio CODEC (ALAC), which is to be launched in March of this year and which will contain a multitude of information provided by Tim Cook or Jony Ive. If in the authorized biography of Steve Jobs written by Walter Isaacson Tim Cook and Jony Ive did not find a detail of the life of Steve Jobs that to be compliant with reality, now I tell my own version of the "story". According to the author, the book tries to dismantle the myths and stereotypes related to Steve Jobs, focusing on the career and life of the Apple co-founder, from his beginnings until the release of the iPhone 4S.

Becoming Steve Jobs takes on and breaks down the existing myth and stereotypes about Steve Jobs. The conventional, one-dimensional view of Jobs is that he was half-genius, half-jerk from youth, an irascible and selfish leader who slighted friends and family alike. Becoming Steve Jobs answers the central question about the life and career of the Apple cofounder and CEO: How did a young man so reckless and arrogant that he was exiled from the company he founded become the most effective visionary business leader of our time, ultimately transforming the daily life of billions of people?

  The difference between this book and all the others released on the market is that it contains a multitude of interviews given by people who worked in the management team of the Apple company and knew the former CEO closely. Tim Cook, Jony Ive, Eddy Cue, Ed Catmull, John Lasseter, Robert Iger and many other important people from the company talk about the experience of working with Steve Jobs, so we are talking about a multitude of extremely interesting information. The book Becoming Steve Jobs will be released on March 24 in the USA, so it is not known when it will arrive in Romania in the original or translated version.