iOS 9 Safari removes a useful feature

iOS 9 Safari desktop viewiOS 9 Safari was thought by the Apple company with the elimination of one of the functions that many people considered to be extremely useful, it allowing us to access the desktop version of a website of our choice.

More precisely, clicking on Safari's address bar displays a menu with available bookmarks, and in iOS 8 above them we would normally see the option to add that website to favorites or view its desktop version.

In iOS 9 Safari this is no longer valid, the Apple company removing both options from its browser interface for iPhones, iPads or iPod Touches, but without announcing the change to users around the world in any way.

Considering that some websites allow their viewing in the version dedicated to computers, the existence of this function was useful because the mobile versions of the websites sometimes offer fewer functions than those for computers.

The problem is that many websites have designs specially designed to change according to the screen size, so this function was useless, the same being the case with websites that redirected users to a domain to view the mobile version .

Considering that iOS 9 is currently in beta version, there are chances that Apple will implement this option for users again, but it remains to be seen if this will happen until the fall.

UPDATED: As noted by the keen readers of, the option has been moved to the Share Sheets menu.

iOS 9 Safari view desktop share sheets