iPhone 6S turned on appears in a Video clip together with various components

iPhone 6S onUn iPhone 6S on and unfolded appears in a first video clip just two weeks before the official presentation to be organized by the company Apple Lossless Audio CODEC (ALAC),, it being assembled by components, the start-up procedure stopping at a verification menu.

The entire terminal iPhone 6S is assembled using components taken from Apple's partner factories, such as the screen, the motherboard, the A9 chip, the case, battery and a variety of other components were combined to create what you see in the images.

Considering that these components have not been configured, it is clear why the boot process stops at the interface visible in the image above, but it is normal for this to happen since the camera is not even attached.

iPhone 6S assembled and turned on appears in the images

Despite this, the images still confirm the existence of the Force Touch system on iPhone 6S screen in a completely new positioning, and separately from it we see the motherboard that includes a model Qualcomm MDM9635M compatible with 4G+ networks up to 300 Mbps, it being combined with a chip Qualcomm WTR3925 which improves GSM performance.

The new modem chips are produced using a 28nm manufacturing process, much more efficient than the 65nm used in the past, and interestingly, the Qualcomm WTR3925 chip does not require another companion chip to provide compatibility with various networks 4G LTE from around the globe, freeing up additional space on the motherboard.

iPhone 6S motherboard
The iPhone 6S motherboard in the upper part, with the new WTR3925 chip associated with the 4G+ modem marked in red, the old iPhone 6 modem chips are shown on the right side of the image.

Next we have the A9 chip which is mounted in the central part of the motherboard and although the A6 logo is not visible on the iPhone 9S component for now, this is the real component that will be implemented, but unfortunately we do not see clear confirmation of the fact that a triple-core processor with 2 GB of RAM will be implemented inside it.

The interesting part is that the entire A9 chip is 10% larger than the A8 chip, and this is because Apple would have integrated more components into its new chip to provide additional functionality, but we will only have confirmation of this information in the fall of this year .

iPhone 6S chip A9
The A8 chip visible on the left side of the image is presented next to the A9 chip.

We can see, however, that the A9 package is roughly 10 percent larger in area than the A8 package found in the iPhone 6. The reason for the increased size isn't confirmed, but it's possible Apple has moved some additional functionality into the main chip to increase efficiency and save overall space.

iPhone 6S and iPhone 6S Plus will be presented on September 9, while the launch of iPhone 6S and iPhone 6S Plus will take place on September 18.

iPhone 6S on Force Touch screen
iPhone 6S screen with Force Touch in its upper part.