iTunes Match uploads 100.000 songs to iCloud

iTunes Match 100.000 songsiTunes Match now syncs 100.000 songs in iCloud and syncs them with iCloud Music Library of users, the Apple company increasing by 4 times the maximum number of songs that users can synchronize.

A few months ago, Apple's senior vice president, Eddy Cue, announced that iTunes Match will allow the synchronization of up to 100.000 songs from computers with iCloud, and the change was implemented starting yesterday, with some users confirming it so far.

The Apple company has not officially confirmed the change made for its service, but since users can already synchronize 100.000 songs with iTunes Match, then it is clear that everything that Eddy Cue promised then is coming true now.

For those of you who don't know this, iTunes Match is a system developed by Apple that scans our entire music library, searches for the respective songs in the iTunes Store and adds them to our iCloud music library so that we can listen to them anywhere and anytime .

Unfortunately, iTunes Match is not offered in Romania, although the Apple company launched it almost 4 years ago, and at the moment it is not known when or if it will ever be offered considering the problems with the legislation in our country.