Surfingers – Interesting game for surfing lovers

Yes, the game has a weirder name compared to other surfing games, maybe that's why the developers say that Surfingers offers you the experience of a special game.

The principle and way of playing are simple, you have to control the surfer well on the waves to record the highest possible score. The game is one of the endless type and requires attention and quick reflexes. There are always dangers and obstacles in various forms: rocks, caves, edges, etc. Some obstacles appear unpredictably and are hard to predict, but with training, attention and quick reflexes, you can overcome them and get a very good score.

The commands are simple, because they are based on gestures. You just have to move your finger up or down to raise or lower it on the waves, the goal being to stay on the surface of the water.

surfers surfing game

The graphics of the game are simplified, good developed and is in harmony with atmosphere game and with, the soundtrack. The game supports Ranges Center Apple can be unloaded free.