Apple is accused of anti-competitive practices in the US

An American senator made a series of extremely serious accusations against the companies Apple, Google and Amazon, accusing each of them of anti-competitive practices that had the effect of using their influence to prevent the development of smaller or newer companies , without an equally great financial power.

Referring to the Apple company, the American senator accused the company of imposing extremely restrictive conditions on its competitors, so that they have great difficulties in launching services similar to those in Cupertino, Apple Music being brought into discussion and the problems of other companies to launch similar streaming services.

Apple's non-competitive practices regarding audio streaming services were also confirmed by those from Spotify, the company accusing Apple of having created an unfair advantage in terms of prices for subscriptions and the functions it offers to users around the world.

Apple has long used its control of iOS to squash competition in music, driving up the prices of its competitors, inappropriately forbidding us from telling our customers about lower prices, and giving itself unfair advantages across its platform through everything from the lock screen to Siri. You know there's something wrong when Apple makes more off a Spotify subscription than it does off an Apple Music subscription and doesn't share any of that with the music industry. They want to have their cake and eat everyone else's too.

In the case of Amazon or Google, the senator accused the companies of illegal practices regarding the promotion of books at the expense of other producers, or of the fact that Google used to affect the activity of rivals Google Plus, those from Mountain View being involved in certain lawsuits Europe.

Accusing all these companies, the US senator claims that although Google, Apple or Amazon are very large companies that have changed the world and deserve to make a profit, they must also let other companies compete with them freely, without restricting their freedom of to create products at least as revolutionary.

Google, Apple and Amazon have created disruptive technologies that changed the world, and ... they deserve to be highly profitable and successful. But the opportunity to compete must remain open for new entrants and smaller competitors that want their chance to change the world again.

Apple, Google or Amazon now find themselves in the position in which Microsoft was found some time ago, those from Redmond also being repeatedly accused of non-competitive practices, but in their case nothing important happened to punish them when they wrong.