The new intelligent technology that helps us read without opening the books

 Scientists have taken their discoveries to another level and using a technology similar to X-ray investigations, they manage to read books without opening them, identifying the letters printed on stacks of up to 9 sheets of paper.

I don't know how much this new technology would tickle die-hard readers, but it certainly could contribute to the development of office tools capable of copying several pages at the same time. Also, it would help researchers to scan old books too fragile to be opened.

"The Metropolitan Museum [of Art] in New York showed a lot of interest in this, because they want to, for example, look into some antique books that they don't even want to touch,"

The device is currently in the prototype phase, but it was found that it uses terahertz radiation, the band of electromagnetic radiation between microwaves and infrared light.

For those who do not know, terahertz radiation presents a series of advantages compared to X-rays or ultrasound waves and other types of radiation that can penetrate surfaces. As an example, they can distinguish ink from paper, something that X-rays cannot do.