This is why those who look at their phone too much suffer

Millions of people on the planet suffer from a disease called "text neck", based on the inappropriate way we use our mobile phones on a daily basis.

If you use your mobile phone too much and spend too much time looking at its screen, then there is a possibility of suffering some physical problems. More precisely, Canadian doctors claim that there is a condition called text neck, appearing in people who look too much at their mobile phones in everyday life.

More precisely, this condition appears if a person sits for too long with his head pointing down towards the mobile phone, his neck having an unusual curvature for a normal person. The simple movement of the head to constantly look down at mobile phones applies a pressure on the spine equivalent to a weight of 30 kilograms.

According to doctors, this condition can cause pain and a chronic hardening of the tissues in the neck area, and this without people realizing the problem. Considering that everyone is constantly looking at their mobile phone, everything becomes a habit, and the position of the body changes in a completely unusual way.

The interesting part is that doctors in Canada attribute to the game Pokemon GO part of the blame for this condition that is present in people of all ages. People who suffer from this condition have frequent neck pain, and this is because they cannot detach themselves from their mobile terminals to write messages, surf the Internet, or play.

"It can lead to pain and chronic tissue tightness. The biggest thing is that a lot of people don't even notice it's happening. They get in that position and they'll be in it all day long, it becomes more of your norm. You're not even realizing the changes that are happening."

Having said that, be careful not to use your terminals too much every day, or at least change the position in which you look at the screen so as not to destroy your spine over time.
