Apple Watch 3 will be released in 2017, here are the news

Apple Watch 3 will be launched in the fall of 2017 by the Apple company with improved autonomy and performance, but without major new functions.

Apple Watch 3, series 3, or whatever the Apple company will call it, will be released in the fall of 2017 by those from Cupertino, one year after the models released last year. As expected, Quanta will manufacture the Apple Watch 3 for the Apple company, and in this model there will be some important changes for regular users.

More precisely, Apple Watch 3 will have better performance than the current models, which will also offer a seriously improved autonomy for users. Although performance is no longer on the top of the problems reported by Apple customers, battery life remains one of the main problems Apple is trying to combat.

Quanta also currently produces the Apple Watch for the Apple company, so maintaining the same manufacturer for the manufacture of this product is as logical as possible. Quanta already has experience in manufacturing the product, and with the Apple Watch 3 production could increase thanks to an expansion of the production capacity that Apple has already requested for the current models.

Apple Watch 3 will be released in 2017, here are the news

At the moment, the people from Quanta received from the Apple company the mission to improve the autonomy of the Apple Watch 3 battery, but without changing many internal components. More precisely, those from Apple seem to want to obtain better performance and autonomy from the existing components, which should also be used in the Apple Watch 3.

"Apple is expected to unveil its next-generation Apple Watch in the third quarter and the wearable device will be manufactured by Quanta Computer and features better performance and longer battery life. Currently, improving battery efficiency is Quanta's main task for the new Apple Watch and its other hardware will not see much change."

With people expecting new hardware with every Apple product, those waiting for the Apple Watch 3 might be disappointed to learn that things won't change much. Moreover, without other important functions such as a camera for FaceTime, or photos, the Apple Watch 3 could have problems in attracting new customers for Apple.

In 2016, it is estimated that Apple would have sold 7.5 million smartwatches, more than any other competitor, but less than the estimates of 12 million units. What will happen in 2017 is hard to say, but smart watches are no longer that popular.



  1. Aștept totuși un ecran mai mare (gen gear s3) și, desigur, pe lângă funcțiile ce țin de sănătate, sa aibă incorporat si un difuzor pentru apeluri handsfree. Cel nou lansat de samsung este splendid, păcat ca nu e compatibil cu sistemul iOS. Poate și un ecran circular ar merge pe Apple watch, ăla pătrățos parca arată a cu totul altceva decât a ceas. Asta e părerea mea.

  2. Chiar se simte diferenta de autonomie. Ma tine 2 zile, in conditiile in care folosesc Sleep++ care e recunoscut mare consumator de baterie. Urmeaza sa-l supun si la teste de Workout

  3. opreste functia de masurat pulsul regulat si o sa te tina linistit 24 de ore. si al meu la inceput ma tinea bateria pana la ora 17-18 dupa ce am oprit masurarea regulata a pulsului ajung seara cu 60-70%

  4. Am S3 Frontier si e cam compatibil cu iPhone.. nu 100% dar cam 90%.. adica nu pot trimite sms-uri de pe el dar nici n-as incerca sa scriu pe un ecran asa de mic arata a ceas nu a bratara 😉 Partea proasta la el e ca sunt cam putine aplicatii, dar pentru un ceas nu e un neajuns prea mare.. in rest sunt super multumit de el 😉

  5. Update-ul la OS 3.0 a fost o catastrofa pentru multe Apple Watch (prima serie). Dupa update bateria ma tine 7 ore de la o zi, am vorbit cu suportul tehnic apple si mi-a fost recomandat sa astept noul update, update care a fost retras dupa o zi si nu am fost pe faza sa-l instalez. Sunt pline forumurile apple de aceasta problema OS 3.0 + apple watch (prima serie), telefonul mi se descarca chiar si in modul power reserve sau avion, deci problema nu este legata de o aplicatie ci de OS in sine. Tot cei de la apple dupa mai multe teste remote mi-au confirmat ca bateria ceasului este buna.