iPhone 7 - this is how you quickly clean all the paint

iPhone 7 is known as a very resistant smartphone, mainly in contact with water, but how well does it withstand pirahna acid? In the video clip below, you can see an iPhone 7 over which pirahna acid is poured, that is, a combination of sulfuric acid, H2SO4, and hydrogen peroxide, H2O2, the final result being an extremely interesting one.

You will see in the video clip below that just a few minutes in this pirahna acid are enough to clean an iPhone 7 of all the paint on the case. The liquid is so effective that it also cleans the color from the side antennas of the iPhone 7, the final result being an extremely interesting one, as is to be expected from such an acid.

Normally, pirahna acid is used to clean organic residues from various surfaces, and the iPhone 7 remained much cleaner than many expected.


  1. 3 days ago another one exploded, today a watermelon was destroyed, but do you really want to destroy the planet with this nonsense??