Samsung boss risks more prison sentence

The head of Samsung risks being sentenced to a prison sentence that is more than double the initial one imposed by the judges.

Vice-president of the group's board of directors Samsung, Jay Y. Lee, risks a prison sentence greater than the 5 years imposed on him by a court in South Korea. Jay Y. Lee is the heir to the Samsung empire, and a South Korean court found him guilty of bribery, deciding that he should spend the next 5 years in a prison in the country.

The decision took a few people by surprise since his father was also sentenced twice to prison terms, but without serving them, but now it seems that nothing will save Jay Y. Lee. Although he risks spending approximately half of this sentence in prison, Jay Y. Lee could have 2 years in prison if the appeal of the prosecutors is approved by the Korean judges.

Jay Y. Lee's lawyers also appealed against this decision to get their boss out of prison, he was arrested a few months ago by the authorities before the trial began. They claim that a gift given by Jay Y. Lee to a close associate of the former South Korean president was misinterpreted and that his intention was not to bribe someone.

"Lee's control and wealth at Samsung is none other than a result of bribery. People want chaebol to no longer maintain the privileges to rule over the Republic of Korea alongside politicians."

Whether or not the court will take into account what Jay Y. Lee's lawyers say remains to be seen, but if they approve the request of the prosecutors, then the Samsung boss will have a long sentence to serve. So far, Samsung has not been affected by the fact that its boss is imprisoned, and as things stand, it seems that Jay Y. Lee will resume his position at the reception after being released from prison.

Head of Samsung Peeapsa Prison