iOS 11.2.5 beta 7 has been released by Apple

iOS 11.2.5 beta 7 was released by Apple for compatible iPhones, iPads and iPod Touches this evening, the new version can be installed now.

iOS beta 11.2.5 7

iOS beta 11.2.5 7 was launched by Apple just a few minutes ago for iPhone and iPad, the new version of the operating system coming just two days away from the sixth version offered. iOS 11.2.5 beta 7 is a version 2 builds away from the current public version, so Apple will release iOS 11.2.3 and iOS 11.2.4 before it, but for now no one knows exactly when.

iOS 11.2.5 beta 7 didn't come with an impressive list of changes, the Apple company stating that it only fixed various problems of the operating system, but surely an important bug was fixed, since the update came so quickly . iOS 11.2.5 beta 7 is only available for iPhone and iPad app developers, so it can't be installed by just anyone, as expected.

iOS 11.2.5 beta 7 was not released alone, however, because Apple also offered updates for watchOS, macOS High Sierra, or tvOS.


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  2. Unde scrie ca e GM ? Dimensiunea nu denota faptul ca e GM, sa ne uitam la perioada beta anterioara cand a aparut unul mare si imediat altul cu bug fixes. Atat timp cat nu scrie GM pe el, e doar o alta versiune beta.