Firefox Starts Showing ADVERTISEMENTS to Users

Firefox will start showing ads to users around the world, with Mozilla confirming this to everyone in advance.


Firefox, one of the popular browsers on the planet whose motto is to provide internet access for people, not for profit, is starting to display ads in the browsers of users who use it. Mozilla, the company that developed Firefox, last year bought a company called Pocket, which allows saving articles for later reading, and now uses the platform to display ads in tabs.

Firefox displays "recommended content" from the Pocket platform in the new tabs opened by users, and in the image below you can see what the new monetization format used by Mozilla looks like. At the moment only those using the beta version of Firefox will see these ads, but this month version 60 of the browser will be released, and with it will come the ads for all users, for now only in the newly opened tabs.

Firefox Starts Showing ADVERTISEMENTS to Users

Firefox Display ADVERTISEMENTS Users 1

In this new method of displaying advertisements, Firefox has an attempt to rethink the way people see advertisements, one in which there is transparency and control, without affecting the privacy of users. Mozilla promises to promote only content that brings value to users who use Firefox, that is, that which is worth reading, but of course we are talking about people here who pay for promotion, so anything will find its way there.

"The Mozilla Foundation has revealed that links to sponsored posts have started to appear in its Firefox browser and pledged to deliver them without invading users' privacy. Pocket-powered sponsored links will now “… go fully live in May to Firefox users in the US with the Firefox 60 release.””

Firefox will also allow you to completely disable ads for those who don't want this, but I'm pretty sure that this won't be very easy to do, because ads have to bring in money. Since Mozilla starts displaying ads in Firefox, it is very clear that its strategy of not displaying ads, or making money from other methods is not working, and if in this browser ads will be introduced in tabs, then we will see certainly in others soon enough.