The FBI LIED to the Whole World about a MAJOR Problem

The FBI lied to the whole world for more than a year about a major problem that it complained about to Congress and the press.

The FBI LIED to the World THE MAJOR Problem

FBI repeatedly lied to the US Congress about his inability to unlock mobile phones and tablets due to the encryption and security systems implemented by various mobile terminal manufacturers. Last year, the FBI stated that no less than 7800 mobile terminals related to various criminal investigations could not be accessed because of the advanced security systems implemented by the manufacturers in them.

The FBI lied by exaggerating the number of mobile terminals that could not be accessed, because in reality their number would be between 1000 and 2000, so up to almost 8 times lower than in the statements of the federal agency. Those from the FBI allegedly discovered an "error" in the calculation method of encrypted mobile terminals whose data could not be accessed, so now they are redoing the calculations to be able to provide information closer to the real ones.

The FBI LIED to the Whole World about a MAJOR Problem

The FBI used this incorrect information to ask American legislators to create laws that would force manufacturers of mobile terminals to include "access ports" in the products they sell. The scandal is quite small now because such a law was not adopted by the US Congress, but if it had been voted on and it would have been found out that lies from the FBI were the basis of its creation, then the problem would be was definitely much bigger.

"The FBI's initial assessment is that programming errors resulted in significant over-counting of mobile devices reported," the FBI said in a statement Tuesday. The bureau said the problem stemmed from the use of three distinct databases that led to repeated counting of the same phones. Tests of the methodology conducted in April 2016 failed to detect the flaw, according to people familiar with the work."

The FBI said through the voice of its director that the inability to access data from so many mobile terminals represents a major problem for its work to stop even terrorist attacks. In reality, the only major problem seems to be with the counting done by the federal agency to establish how many mobile terminals cannot in reality be accessed using the software that is made available to them at the moment.


  1. some liars and some incompetents. if you watch genre shows on TV and see how many mistakes they make and how many are unjustly accused, you put your hands on your head. worse than our local police.