iOS 12 brings a FIRST Feature to Phones

iOS 12 will bring a function for the first time on Apple's iPhone phones, Americans thinking of the change as an unexpected bonus for users.


iOS 12 Feature PREMIERE Phones

iOS 12, according to those who have had the opportunity to test this new version of the operating system, will bring a feature for the first time for phones, something that Apple Lossless Audio CODEC (ALAC), thought especially for iPhone. More precisely, the Apple company intends to launch major improvements for ARKit, and one of them will allow in iOS 12 that two iPhones see the same object in applications.

iOS 12 will allow phones to be synchronized in one way or another, so that both can display the same virtual object in a certain area of ​​an application, something that has never been done before. It is not known how Apple will manage to offer such functionality for iOS 12 users, but it seems that it will not affect the privacy of user data.

iOS 12 brings a FIRST Feature to Phones

iOS 12 will process all data directly in users' phones, without uploading data to Apple's servers, so no one has to worry about information security. Google has something similar in mind, but in that case it is necessary for the data to be sent to the company's servers first to be then displayed on the phones in the applications.

"Apple next week will debut tools to let two iPhone users share augmented reality. The goal is for two users to see the same virtual object in the same space via their individual devices. The approach, which has not been previously reported, differs from Google's, which requires scans of a player's environment to be sent to, and stored in, the cloud."

iOS 12 has a completely different technology implemented by those from Apple, so on the iPhone everything will be done in real time in the phones, without waiting for the processing in the servers. Those from Apple will present this new feature of iOS 12 this evening, and I'm waiting for you on to discuss everything starting at 19:30, with the recommendation to use the application and notifications for desktop and Android to find out the news in real time.