iPhone: Case with Airbag Protects it from Destruction (VIDEO)

This iPhone airbag case promises to protect the phone in case it slips out of your hand during use.

iPhone Case Airbag Protects Destruction VIDEO

iPhone it features a very interesting invention by a German student, he created a case with an airbag, which promises to keep the phone safe when we let it out of our hands. In the video below you can see the creation of the young German, he created a special mechanism in the case that opens when the device is in the air, before it hits the ground.

The case for the iPhone is not extremely thick, but it has integrated a series of springs that are opened automatically by a mechanism that detects when the phone is falling. A series of special sensors in the case detect the moment when the iPhone is in the air, so even the case itself is not affected by the impact with the hard ground.

iPhone: Case with Airbag Protects it from Destruction

This case for the iPhone is currently created as a prototype with which the German student has already won an award for innovation, but from here to a product is not a long way. The great innovation here lies in the fact that we are talking about the first mechanism of this kind implemented in an iPhone case, and other manufacturers could create something better.

In general, an iPhone case protects the device from almost any kind of impact with the ground, so normally there should be no need for mechanisms of this kind. However, it is interesting to see what a mind with a lot of imagination can do, but also the necessary skill to turn it into reality.