112. INCREDIBLE, how FAST the Operators are OBLIGED to respond

112. It is incredible how quickly the operators of the emergency service are obliged to respond to calls that are initiated by citizens in danger.


112. INCREDIBLE, how FAST the Operators are OBLIGED to respond

112. The emergency service has a very large number of operators throughout the country, but few people know the stress in which they have to carry out their work when they receive emergency calls from citizens. According to the procedures that are imposed for the 112 emergency service, an operator must answer phone calls within a time interval between 3 and 9 seconds, that is, extraordinarily fast.

112. The calls received by the operators are graded in three colors, with green being marked those that did not exceed the duration of 3 seconds from being received, and with red those that reach 9 seconds from being received. If the call to 112 is not accepted by the operator within 9 seconds, it returns to the switchboard to be redistributed, and the operator must explain to his superiors why he did not accept that phone call.

112. INCREDIBLE, how FAST the Operators are OBLIGED to respond

112. In the case of Caracal, it seems that the policeman who accepted the call of the kidnapped young woman at the Police, and told her that he could not answer the phone, was the only operator dealing with the calls in that area. Practically, in many counties in the country, there is only one operator at the police who takes the phone calls coming through 112, and sometimes he can redirect them to other localities, from where they are calling, other times he can't do that.

112. Given that a call must receive an answer within 9 seconds at the latest, it is difficult to understand how a single person could deal with multiple requests coming through the system, and why there are not more operators. From the recordings of the conversations Alexandra Macesanu had with the 112 operators, a lack of empathy can be clearly observed in many moments, but considering the strict rules that must be respected, it is somewhat understandable why people are changed.

112. Now it seems that the emergency service will pass from the STS administration to the MAI administration, and maybe things will finally change for the better for everyone.