NASA Discovered a UFO that STUNNED the entire PLANET (PHOTO)

NASA discovered a UFO that amazed the entire planet, here is what an incredible achievement the American space agency is proud of, and how important it is.

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NASA amazes the entire planet again with an incredible discovery that shows us how much we still do not know about what is happening in the universe at the moment.

More precisely, those from NASA discovered what looks like a UFO, but not on Earth, but using the Hubble space telescope, and at a great distance from our planet, so we are talking about a galaxy that has the name IC 2051, it is located very far from Earth.

NASA uses the Hubble Space Telescope to analyze the universe "far and wide", and in the galaxy you see in the image above there is something shaped like a flying saucer, or UFO.

This galaxy is in the constellation Mensa, and is 85 million kilometers from Earth, so at an extremely great distance, which of course makes it very difficult to analyze it, even if such a powerful telescope is used, such as it's Hubble.

NASA claims that the galaxy discovered by it is a huge one, stretching over a great distance in the universe, but what is right in its center is of interest here, because it has the shape of a flying saucer.

NASA was analyzing the centers of distant galaxies, using the Hubble telescope, when it discovered what we see in the image above, the space agency being of the opinion that these areas of the galaxies can explain to a good extent the way in which they were formed by over millions and millions of years.

The galaxy discovered by NASA that has a flying saucer in the center.

“This galaxy was observed for a Hubble study of galactic bombs, the round, bright central regions of spiral galaxies. Spiral galaxies like IC 2051 are shaped like flying saucers when viewed from the side; they comprise a thin, flat disk with a massive star bomb in the center that extends above and below the disk. These bombs are thought to play a key role in how galaxies evolve and influence the growth of the supermassive black holes at the center of most spirals."

NASA is analyzing extremely many galaxies from various areas of the universe at the moment, and this is because it still does not know much about the darkness that surrounds us, and the Hubble telescope helps it to discover many mysteries.

What we will find out in the future from NASA thanks to Hubble is hard to say, but based on what we see now it is quite clear that there are many secrets of the universe that space agencies around the world must discover.