CEC Bank: IMPORTANT announcement for customers, what they MUST know

CEC Bank makes a very important announcement for all its clients in Romania, here is what the bank says and what all those who use its services must know.

CEC Bank counter

CEC Bank made a very important announcement for customers in Romania these days, and we are talking about a measure that is necessary for a lot of people in this period in which we have to protect ourselves. More precisely, CEC Bank informs its clients that through the Mobile banking application they can directly access the status of fees and taxes, plus the fines owed to the authorities, all without going and asking them somewhere.

CEC Bank allows all its clients to discover what fees and taxes they have to pay, depending on what appears on the Ghiseul.ro platform, and if you don't have an account on it, you can do it right from the application. Everything is integrated automatically by CEC Bank so that all its clients can easily find out what they have to pay to the authorities, so that they can quickly pay any kind of donations to the state, of course and without paying any commission for it .

CEC Bank: IMPORTANT announcement for customers, what they MUST know

CEC Bank counter fees taxes

CEC Bank announced that in 2019 the number of users of its application increased by 95% compared to the previous year, so it was also decided to integrate with the Ghiseul.ro platform to help people. This means that the state platform no longer needs to be checked separately to see which fees and taxes are not paid, CEC Bank greatly simplifying people's lives, as, in fact, every bank in Romania should do.

CEC Bank has been offering its mobile application for phones with iPhone and Android operating systems for some time, and in both there is this facility implemented for everyone. It is possible that in order to be able to use the CEC Bank application, you need to activate it directly from the bank, in order to get access to it, but you will have to ask for more details from the bank representatives to help you have access to your account there.

CEC Bank is one of the largest banks in Romania, and separately from what we are talking about today, it has also implemented support for Apple Pay for its customers in Romania for some time.