Planet Mercury: AMAZING NASA VIDEO that Amazed Mankind

The planet Mercury is presented in a stunning video by NASA that amazed all mankind, here is what the American space agency is showing us now.

Planet Mercury is presented today in an amazing video clip published by NASA, and this shows us again how small we really are in this very big universe, something that many people already knew. What you see in the video clip above is the planet Mercury passing quickly by the sun which is at the center of the solar system, and we are talking about a completely imposing sight that shows us how small we really are.

Planet Mercury it is not really that small, and what we see in the video clip above shows us again how big the star in the center of the solar system is in relation to the planets it heats. We are talking about a huge star, a star that can destroy the planet Mercury without noticing more than a strong flame on its surface, and this is because of its very large dimensions in relation to the bodies that orbit it.

Planet Mercury: AMAZING NASA VIDEO that Amazed Mankind

Planet Mercury it is at a considerable distance from the sun, and this makes it visible larger, in relation to the star, than it is in reality, so if they were next to each other, it would be even smaller. The differences between the two cosmic bodies show us again how small the planets in the solar system are compared to the sun, and the planet Mercury is the best proof that the star is the supreme cosmic body in our solar system.

Planet Mercury it has a smaller mass than that of the Earth, but even so, our planet would not be a larger point in front of the star if it were filmed from a distance walking around it. The planet Mercury is going to be visited very soon by a spacecraft sent by ESA and JAXA, and this will give us more information about what is hidden there, and this in the conditions where we don't really know anything anyway.

Planet Mercury it has not been filmed in a similar pose for some time, but maybe the ship heading towards it will be able to offer us a similar view in the very near future.