LUNA: The AMAZING image, here's what you've NEVER seen before

LUNA has presented an amazing image with something you have never seen before, here is the spectacular photo with a very rare effect.

MOON mountains

MOON FABRIC it is captured in a new astonishing image that the people from NASA are promoting, and we are talking about something that many people have not seen, and about which they did not know much yet. More precisely, a few weeks ago there was a partial solar eclipse, the MOON being interposed between the Earth and the sun, but because it was at a great distance from our planet, it did not completely cover the star, but only partially, leaving a ring of fire around him, which also brought something spectacular.

MOON FABRIC in the image below you can also see the mountains that exist on the Earth's natural satellite, these being highlighted by the light that came from the star in the solar system. Considering that the MOON with its entire surface is interposed between the Earth and the sun, what we see in the edges of the image are its mountains, between them passing the rest of the light that the Earth's satellite failed to stop during the spectacular event in June.

LUNA: The AMAZING image, here's what you've NEVER seen before

MOON mountains eclipse


MOON FABRIC only the highest mountains are revealed here, and this is because only they could partially block the light that the sun emits, and which is visible from Earth. Images of this kind are impressive due to the fact that they highlight something that many people do not usually see when they look at the MOON, so we are also talking about a very good surprise for many amateur astronomers.

MOON FABRIC it doesn't usually have its mountains visible in such a way, but if you haven't seen a show of this kind until now, then everything that is presented to us might allow you to see the "unseen face" of the satellite. The MOON has various relief forms on its surface, many of them made after the impact with various objects in the universe, others by erosion, and in the case of eclipses some are highlighted, and of course they surprise a lot of people.

MOON FABRIC it will still have these relief forms highlighted after the next eclipse that will take place in a similar way, and it is expected that this will happen sometime during the next year.