COVID-19 Romania: The vaccine will arrive in the country in December

COVID-19 Romania Vaccine December

COVID-19 remains a very big problem for Romania at the moment, and the coordinator of the campaign to vaccinate Romanians against the Corona virus still comes with very good news, and this is because the new vaccine will arrive in our country sometime next month.

The anti COVID-19 vaccine will be stored in 6 military hospitals throughout Romania, and this is because they have the necessary equipment to keep the vaccine at the temperature imposed by the manufacturer to remain stable, and from there it will be transferred to each locality in that people must be vaccinated.

"In the best case scenario, we expect that after the second half of December, towards the end of the month, the first doses of vaccines will arrive from at least one manufacturing company. In the pessimistic scenario, we will probably be talking about January, February.

At the moment we have everything we need. The main storage center in Romania will be the Cantacuzino Institute. There will be 6 more regional centers, in 6 military hospitals that will be equipped - and there is the equipment I'm telling you about - with these freezers of minus 80 degrees that have the capacity to store a large number of doses. All this exists, they just need to be distributed to the regional centers. The manufacturer of this vaccine ensures distribution up to the level of these regional centers."