BANCA Transilvania: Official Customer Information Message

BANCA Transilvania appointments

BANCA Transilvania has today published a new official message for customers from all over Romania, this one having an informational role for everyone, and this because it is about a series of details that some people did not know about. More precisely, the people from BANCA Transilvania tell clients from all over the country what kind of amounts they can withdraw at the moment from any of its agencies without making a prior appointment to take the money.

BANCA Transilvania imposes a maximum limit of 40.000 LEI for withdrawals in Romanian money, while in the case of euros or other currencies, the maximum amount is 5000 euros, or the equivalent of the other currencies. BANCA Transilvania imposes these limits because it is necessary for the bank to have liquidity for more clients in the country, and since the agencies do not have very large amounts of money available all the time, such limits are needed.

BANCA Transilvania: Official Customer Information Message

BANCA Transilvania schedule withdrawals

BANCA Transilvania wants to help Romanians from all over the country to find out in advance what kind of money they can withdraw before arriving at an agency and trying to withdraw more money than they can. Any of the clients who want to withdraw money from their accounts, but exceed these limits, must schedule the withdrawal in advance at BANCA Transilvania, and they will be notified when they can go to the desired agency to withdraw the respective money.

BANCA Transilvania sends the necessary amounts to its agencies based on the appointments made by the clients to collect the necessary money, so it is mandatory to follow the rules imposed by the bank. BANCA Transilvania presents on its website including the related commissions for cash withdrawals from the counter, regardless of currency, so it is good to know how much this will cost versus withdrawing money from an ATM, where theoretically the commissions are lower.

BANCA Transilvania has on its website more important information for its customers from all over the country regarding any kind of operations that they can do.