Facebook: False Information About Vaccines Continues To Be Distributed

Facebook false information vaccines distribution

Facebook isn't doing enough to prevent the spread of false information about vaccines against the coronavirus, or the virus itself, and that's creating huge problems for governments struggling to convince citizens to get immunized.

Facebook promised many weeks ago that it would do everything in its power to prevent the spread of false information about vaccines, but it seems that things have not changed much for the better, so people are finding out continued false information.

Facebook took some measures against misinformation on social networks, but unfortunately it failed to do exactly everything it set out to do, so in the end we are talking about nothing good for those who rely on the network, or just use it daily .

"Facebook has repeatedly said it will take action, but in reality we've seen a ham-fisted enforcement of its own community standards where some accounts are removed from Instagram but not from Facebook and vice versa. There has been a systemic failure to address this.

Facebook needs a much better mechanism to stop the spread of vaccine misinformation, and they need to make sure they do that in all languages. There is a general narrative that the vaccine is not effective. Health misinformation is a serious threat to public health.”