European Union: Large Number of Vaccinated Citizens, Except for Romania

The European Union vaccinations a large number

The European Union announces that an average of 70% of European citizens have been vaccinated with at least one dose of the vaccine against the Coronavirus, 57% being immunized with both doses, while in Romania the percentage is only somewhere around 30% in both cases.

The European Union says that its objective of vaccinating 70% of citizens with at least one dose of the vaccine by the end of July has been met, and if the percentage of people vaccinated with both doses reaches at least the same level by the fall, there is real chances to slow down the Coronavirus pandemic.

"The European Union kept its word and did what it had to do.
We aim to protect 70% of adults in the EU with at least one dose of the vaccine in July.
Today we reached our goal. And 57% of adults are already fully protected with two doses of the vaccine.
These figures place Europe among the world leaders.
The process of catching up has been very successful, but we must continue our efforts." ~ President of the European Commission, Ursula von der Leyen"