Banca Transilvania: The OFFICIAL message, what some customers don't know

Banca Transilvania division

Banca Transilvania sends an official message aimed at many of its clients from all over Romania, one that they should know about because it can be extremely helpful. More precisely, those from Banca Transilvania bring to the attention of clients from all over the country the BT Pay application for mobile phones, which allows them to do mobile banking whenever they need without much effort, something that is not offered under similar conditions by any other the bank.

Banca Transilvania tries to offer its clients from all over Romania only the best services whenever they need them, and today's official message is meant to bring their existence to their attention. Banca Transilvania knows how important it is for many customers to be able to make payments with their phones, and the BT Pay application facilitates this, as well as confirming online payments, as required by the new PSD2 provisions for banks.

Banca Transilvania: The OFFICIAL message, what some customers don't know

Banca Transilvania has also implemented a series of special functions for the BT Pay application dedicated to iPhone and Android phones, and one of them is discussed below, being dedicated to going out in the city. Banca Transilvania says that when we go out in the city it is easier to share the bill thanks to a function in the application that allows us to ask our friends for money for what we paid in the location where we were with them.

Banca Transilvania has implemented this system in BT Pay, and it simplifies the headaches with the cash request, but this is not the only special functionality that many do not know about. Banca Transilvania also offers customers the possibility to withdraw money from ATMs with BT Pay, without a card, to send money to the accounts of other banks with a phone number, to see the balances of cards from other banks, and others.

Banca Transilvania distributes its BT Pay application through the App Store and Google Play Store for free for all customers in Romania and you should download it exclusively from there.