COVID: The counties in Romania with the most infections in the last week

COVID-19 Counties of Romania with the Most Infections Last Week

The Romanian government has published through INSP the previous week's statistics regarding the number of new cases of Coronavirus at country level, and according to them, 31.8% of the cases were registered in Bucharest, Cluj, Timis, Brasov and Bihor, as you can see below.

Of all these counties, plus the capital, Bucharest has somewhere around 14% of the total of 31.8%, and Cluj follows with a large number of people, while the last 3 counties have relatively close percentages of cases, the situation itself being still complicated.

In the same statistics published by the authorities, available below, you can also see the share of unvaccinated people among deaths at the national level.

COVID Counties of Romania with the Most Infections Last Week in the country

"31.8% of the total cases were registered in Bucharest, Cluj, Timiș, Brașov and Bihor. 69.7% of the confirmed cases were recorded in unvaccinated persons."