Black Hole: INCREDIBLE NASA VIDEO from the Milky Way Galaxy

The black hole is one of the most important and mysterious objects in the universe, and NASA decided to publish an incredible video that shows us something that very few people knew, or saw, exactly how these objects swallow stars. In the video clip made by NASA, you can see how a black hole feeds on stars that are near it, a "natural" process that over time led to the formation of many cosmic objects.

The black hole is not an object in the universe that is very intensively studied by scientists, and this is because of the difficulties regarding their observation, but even so, NASA shows us some of the most popular systems in the universe that have such an object in their center. As you can see from the animation above, stars and planets that get too close to a black hole end up being "devoured" by it.

The black hole needs millions of years, sometimes, to completely disintegrate a star or a planet, but the remains of these objects end up being thrown into various areas of the universe, to contribute to the formation of other important cosmic objects. In the video clip above, NASA shows us 22 black holes in the Milky Way galaxy that also have stars, the latter being "devoured" at the moment by these important objects.

“This visualization shows 22 X-ray binaries in our Milky Way galaxy and its nearest neighbor, the Large Magellanic Cloud, which hosts black holes of confirmed stellar mass. Systems appear at the same physical scale, demonstrating their diversity. Their orbital motion is sped up nearly 22.000 times, and the viewing angles replicate how we see them from Earth.

When associated with a star, a black hole can collect matter in two ways. In many cases, a stream of gas can flow directly from the star into the black hole. In others, such as the first confirmed black hole system, Cygnus X-1, the star produces a dense stream called a stellar wind, some of which the black hole's intense gravity gathers. So far, there is no clear consensus on the mode used by GRS 1915, the large system at the center of the view."

The black hole is an object that destroys and swallows everything that comes close to it, and NASA shows us in the video clips the situation of "devouring" the stars that are near these objects now, but everything can take millions of years, depending on the size of the star. Scientists have never observed a complete process of this kind, for obvious reasons, so all they have seen are the remnants of other similar processes, but even so, they have yielded enough data.

The black hole at the center of the Milky Way galaxy is the largest in the entire galaxy, but there are smaller ones in a multitude of locations, plus many more unknowns yet to be found.