WHO: Last Minute Decision, Worrying Situation for the Whole World

WHO Last Minute Decision Worrying Situation for the Whole World

The WHO has officially announced an extremely important decision for the last time that affects billions of people all over the planet, it was adopted because of a situation that is becoming more and more worrying at this time, and we are talking about monkey pox, for which it is registered more and more new cases of infection during this period.

The WHO says it has taken the decision not to recommend mass vaccination against monkeypox at this time, an extremely important decision that will have global implications, especially since more than 1.000 cases have already been reported worldwide so far. for now, and the number is constantly increasing, as you already know.

The WHO collaborates with dozens of countries around the world in an attempt to substantially reduce monkeypox among them, and for now the efforts involve the discovery of all possible cases, but also their contacts, so that in the end the spread is stopped early, before to reach too many people infected with this virus.

The WHO says that the vaccination will only be done in the case of people who are exposed to a very high risk of contacting the virus, especially the employees of the medical services, so that the rest of the world will not go through a new mass vaccination campaign, as happened in the case of the Coronavirus, which spreads much faster and easier.