Virgil Popescu: Financing through PNRR for Investments in the Centralized Heating Sector

Virgil Popescu Financing PNRR Investments Centralized Heating Sector

Virgil Popescu has officially announced that the ministry he leads has managed to launch two calls for projects that he considers to be very important for Romanians, they provide financing for investments in high-efficiency cogeneration in the district heating sector, money which can be accessed including by administrative-territorial units.

Virgil Popescu says that no less than 388 million euros is the budget allocated to this scheme from which the administrative-territorial units in Romania can benefit, and not only, so that thanks to the investments Romanians will get rid of heating problems over the winter, that of course unless I live in Bucharest, where there are major problems with the heating system.

"PNRR! Component C6. Energy! I would like to thank my colleagues from the Ministry of Energy because through their energetic work we managed to meet our milestones! Today we launched two very IMPORTANT calls for projects: funding for investments in high-efficiency cogeneration in the district heating sector.

Funding to support investments in modernization, monitoring and efficiency of energy consumption at the level of economic operators in order to ensure energy efficiency in the industrial sector! Hundreds of millions of euros that can be accessed by UATs and economic operators – micro-enterprises, small and medium-sized enterprises, but also large enterprises.

The development of flexible and highly efficient gas production capacities for the cogeneration of electricity and thermal energy (CHP) in the district heating sector: The total estimated budget of the scheme is the equivalent in lei of the sum of 388.050.000 euros (the equivalent in lei at exchange rate of 4,9195 lei/euro), composed of 298.500.000 euros of European funds secured through the Recovery and Resilience Mechanism within the National Recovery and Resilience Plan – Component C.6 Energy and national funds of 89.550.000 euros through the application of the percentage of overcontracting of 30%.

Supporting investments in modernization, monitoring and efficiency of energy consumption at the level of economic operators in order to ensure energy efficiency in the industrial sector: The total estimated budget of the scheme is the equivalent in lei of the sum of 62.000.000 euros, non-refundable European funds provided through the Recovery Mechanism and Resilience within the National Recovery and Resilience Plan – Component C.6 Energy.

The maximum amount of state aid that can be granted through this measure, based on art. 38 – Aid for investments in favor of energy efficiency measures, from Regulation (EU) no. 651/2014 declaring certain categories of aid compatible with the internal market in application of Articles 107 and 108 of the Treaty, is a maximum of EUR 1.200.000 for an enterprise."