The USA will Deliver New Last Generation Defense Systems to Ukraine

USA Delivers New Last Generation Defense Systems to Ukraine

The USA has officially announced that it will deliver ultra-modern defense systems to Ukraine in the coming months, this is separate from the military equipment, ammunition and money it has offered to our neighboring country, and we are talking about NASAMS air defense systems, the latest generation, which will greatly help the Ukrainian army.

NASAMS anti-aircraft defense systems can hit targets that are at distances of up to 180 kilometers, even if they are at an altitude of 21 kilometers, so the Russian aviation has very little chance of hitting any important objective in Ukraine, the same is true and for the missiles launched by the Russians.

"The US will provide NASAMS air defense systems to Ukraine. "I don't have detailed information on the specifics of the contracting process, but we are already in the process of acquiring the system," a senior US defense official said.

The delivery date has not been disclosed. NASAMS surface-to-air missiles can hit targets at a range of up to 180 kilometers and at a height of up to 21 kilometers.”

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